[Talk Ideas] – 24th of July 2024, Paulo Carvalho

24th of July at 16h00, Paulo Carvalho will give a presentation entitled“Dependability Challenges in Digital Health” 
Location: G4.1

Paulo de Carvalho holds a PhD in Informatics Engineering (2002) and a Full Professor position at the University of Coimbra. He is a co-founder of the Health Informatics Lab at CISUC. His main research interests are bio-signal processing, feature engineering and intelligent algorithms for medical applications. He has published approx. 300 papers in scientific journals and conferences with over 4000 known citations. He was the coordinator for several national and EU projects in Digital Health. He currently is the coordinator of the Digital Health Division of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, an Associate Editor of the IEEE International Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics and the Vice-President of the Ethics Committee at the University of Coimbra. 

The broad scope of digital health includes categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine. These tools are absolutely instrumental in order to provide the much-needed support in today’s social challenges related to chronic diseases and population ageing. In this talk we will discuss some dependability related challenges in digital health as well as some ideas how digital health technology might assist research in dependability. We will start with a short overview of the social and medical context faced in today’s societies as well as an overview of some of the solutions developed inside the Health Informatics Lab. This will serve as the context to introduce and discuss some relevant dependability issues raised by big data/open data spaces requirements, intelligent systems where the human is part of the loop and certification processes.