29th of March, at 16h00, Gabriel Campos will give a presentation entitled“Towards safe autonomous driving”
Location: G4.1 (speaker will be remote)
Gabriel R. Campos is a Technical Expert on Precautionary Safety and Research Manager at Zenseact, where he works on safe planning and decision making for ADAS and AD systems. With a background on control theory, his research interests include safety assurance, behavioural prediction and threat-assessment and decision-making techniques. He has driven and participated to several production and research projects on robotic and autonomous vehicles topics, with a particular emphasis on safety critical systems and collision avoidance techniques. He received his Ph.D. in Automatic Control in 2012 from Grenoble University/Grenoble INP, France. Prior to joining the Zenseact, he was a visiting researcher at KTH, Sweden, as well as a postdoctoral fellow with the Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and the DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
This talk will focus on Zenseact’s journey towards safe automation solutions. We will provide an overview of our technology and development platform, and describe some of our concepts and visions regarding the development of autonomous vehicles. We will also provide an overview of our research activities and bring forward some challenges and future research avenues.