14th of November at 16h00, André Bento and Paulo Gonçalves will give two short presentations, to promote discussion on two relevant ongoing or disruptive topics. Afterwards, there will be a social gathering where everyone can talk freely on whatever subjects they like.
Location: G4.1
André Bento – “Improving Availability of Microservices”
André Bento is a PhD student at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He received his MSc in 2019 from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, with a thesis on Observing and Controlling Performance in Microservices. His main research topics are anomaly detection, observability, and optimization of resources for cloud services. His research interests include cloud computing, microservices, monitoring, and other distributed systems topics.
Microservices, a trend in the industry, is an architectural style to build highly dynamic, scalable and heterogeneous systems composed by many inter-connected and functionally independent components. As these systems grow in size, complexity increases and can easily outgrow the cognitive capacity of human operators, producing difficult challenges for operators to properly monitor running services, and keep them available. Availability is a critical non-functional requirement in distributed systems, essential to ensure quality of service. Operators usually rely on observability data, e.g., metrics, and distributed tracing, which hold meaningful information about performance and request paths through operational services to detect anomalous conditions and seek to improve their systems. To address this issue, we propose to use modern tracing analysis techniques to microservice-based systems, performing automatic analysis of workflow subtleties, in order to identify anomalies and suggest actions. Ultimately, our target is to make use of observability to detect anomalies in service operations, making easier to automate maintenance and operation tasks, and consequently improving availability and reliability of microservices.
Paulo Gonçalves – “Intrusion Detection Across Multiple Microservices”
Paulo Gonçalves is a Software Developer at Probely, with a background researching host-based intrusion detection in microservices, at CISUC. He took his Computer Science Bachelors and Masters at University of Coimbra, where he wrote his thesis titled “Detecting Intrusions in Microservice Architectures. During this time he was also involved in both the ATMOSPHERE and AIDA projects. His interests include intrusion detection, vulnerability research and machine learning.
Microservice architectures have been on the rise in recent years, as they favor loosely coupled services with specialized goals. The use of microservices eases development and maintainability, reducing overall development costs. To take full advantage, each service is deployed in a container, as they are lightweight and creation and destruction is cheap and efficient. However, when systems are split into multiple small components, the number of communication links grows extensively, increasing the possibility of attacks. Software will always have unknown vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit, therefore it is indispensable to apply security measures. Anomaly-based intrusion detection could be an effective approach, but it needs to deal with large amounts of data and services, and adapt to the dynamic number of service instances. Therefore, the available solutions must become lightweight and scalable. Past work has demonstrated the usefulness of data processing techniques to deal with scalability. Four different techniques based on a classifier fusion procedure are proposed to deal with multiple services. These techniques were evaluated using two representative microservice testbeds, Sockshop and TeaStore, with 10 different attack scenarios based on 12 different exploits. Not all attacks were successful, and some were only done to gather information; therefore, evaluating the effectiveness of techniques in intrusion attempts. The results show that only one technique was capable of detecting attacks without a high number of false positives, achieving a much better F-Measure and Precision. However, there is still room for improvement.