CISUC researcher João Costa completed on the 11th of June 2015 his PhD Thesis “Massively Scalable Data Warehouses with Performance Predictability”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to João and his supervisor Professor Pedro Nuno San-Bento Furtado.
[Defense] – Ricardo Santos, December 2014
CISUC researcher Ricardo Santos completed on the 22nd of December his PhD Thesis “Enhancing Data Security in Data Warehousing”. The public defense took place at Sala José Anastácio da Cunha in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Ricardo and his supervisors Professor Jorge Bernardino and Professor Marco Vieira.
[Defense] – Marcelo Mendes, October 2014
CISUC researcher Marcelo Mendes completed on the 01st of October his PhD Thesis “Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Event Processing Systems”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Marcelo and his supervisors, Prof. Pedro Bizarro and Prof. Paulo Marques.
[Defense] – Ricardo Costa, May 2014
CISUC researcher Ricardo Costa completed on the 22nd of May his PhD Thesis “
An IEEE45I.0-Compliant FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Weblab”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Ricardo and his supervisor, Prof. Mário Zenha Rela.
[Defense] – João Magalhães, May 2014
CISUC researcher João Paulo Magalhães completed on the 26th of May his PhD Thesis “Self-healing Techniques for Web-based Applications”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to João and his supervisor, Prof. Luis Moura e Silva.
[Defense] – Nuno Antunes, March 2014
CISUC researcher Nuno Antunes completed on the 20th of March his PhD Thesis “Software Vulnerability Detection in Service-Based Infrastructures”. The public defense took place at Sala José Anastácio da Cunha in the Dept. of Mathematics at the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Nuno and his supervisor, Prof. Marco Vieira.
[Defense] – Pedro Costa, December 2013
CISUC researcher Pedro Costa completed on the 13th of December his PhD Thesis “Dependability Benchmarking for Large and Complex Systems”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Pedro and his supervisor, Prof. Henrique Madeira.
[Defense] – José Cecílio, October 2013
CISUC researcher José Cecílio completed on the 01st of October his PhD Thesis “Operating Middleware and Timing Guarantees for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to José and his supervisor, Prof. Pedro Furtado.
[Defense] – Afonso Neto, June 2013
CISUC researcher Afonso Neto completed on the 18th of June his PhD Thesis “Security Benchmarking of Transactional Systems”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. Congratulations to Afonso and his supervisor, Prof. Marco Vieira!
[Defense] – Sven Stork, March 2013
CISUC researcher Sven Stork completed his PhD Thesis,“ÆMINIUM – Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality”. The public defense took place at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra. He was approved unanimously with distinction and honors. Congratulations Sven!